
Faith outreach church
Faith outreach church

faith outreach church

​ …to have a variety of departments within the church to accommodate the needs of the members of the body and visitors. The programs would feature well-known ministers as well as local pastors and ministers funded by the church. ​ …to have a radio station with the ability to reach a fifty-mile radius that would reach the Tampa Bay area. At Faith World Outreach Church, we’re committed to you and your family. This facility would also include a Christian bookstore and tape ministry available to anyone. Bringing you the truth of the Word with unashamed boldness to grow you up spiritually is what we’ve been doing for 40 years. ​ …to have a Christian restaurant with live Christian entertainment. This is a place where people from all backgrounds and walks of life come together to grow in their relationship with God and connect with others. ​ …to instruct the leadership of this body in the organizing of “Home Bible Study Groups,” enabling them to minister to the members in their locale, thus assuring that every member would be personally ministered to. Faith Church is a place where you'll find contemporary worship and hear the Word of God taught in a relevant, creative way at each service. ​ …to have a Christian Academy for the children grades K3 – 12th. ​ …to have a Christian College and Seminary to prepare and equip the minister and lay-person to properly teach and preach the Word of God to effectively reach a lost and dying world for Jesus. ​ …to involve every person in the body in the work of the Kingdom. This can be achieved through evangelism, missionary outreach and MORE… ​ …a local church declaring the filling of the Holy Spirit for power, healing, speaking in other tongues and manifesting the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. This ministry is to reach the immediate community, county and city, as well as the world, with the Gospel. The Lord showed me in this vision a large assembly area with healings, miracles and power because Jesus was being lifted up. ​ …to use the arts, (drama, dance and flags) as an aide to project and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ​ …to invite well-known Word preachers with the five-fold ministry gifts and teachers who will bring a balanced ministry, teaching line upon line and precept upon precept.

faith outreach church

This ministry will be enhanced through the use of music by using the musicians from our own body.

#Faith outreach church how to#

We recognize that we have a mandate from God to reach the lost and dying world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to instruct them on how to apply Kingdom principles to their lives and encourage them to teach others. ​ …to prepare and perfect the saints according to Ephesians 4:12-13. A center for local and worldwide evangelism. A place to reach out and mend up the broken and hurting. an outreach church to the entire world ​ This four-fold ministry is supported by the following goals and ministries: …to be a family church and a learning and teaching center. a place to mend up and heal the broken 4. The purpose of the ministry is to be a New Testament Church, fulfilling Mark 16:16-19 and Matthew 25:31-40.

Faith outreach church